Back and Pelvic Problems 

When treating back pain, it is important to know the specific source of the pain.

When patients come to our office with stubborn or unexplained back pain it is usually because the diagnosis isn’t specific enough or past treatments haven’t been focused specifically on the cause of the problem.  X-rays and MRIs are important and often identify problems in your back, but we want to take it a step farther and confirm whether the problems are the cause of your pain.  We identify problem structures based on alignment, movement limitations and specific palpation.  The ability to feel discs, joints and ligaments is important to us.   We identify specific movements or positions that cause your symptoms and then assess why it is happening.  For example, we look at things like how your body distributes force when we push down on your shoulders.  A personalized and specific treatment could be the key to getting the results you want.