
Headaches can be very complicated and come from a variety of sources

Headaches can be very complicated and come from a variety of sources, we have divided the most common headaches into two categories. 1) Upper cervical headaches 2) Tension headaches.

Upper C/S headaches occur because of pressure created by a restriction of the C1 or C2 vertebra. Headaches originating in the upper C/S generally cause pain behind the eyes and in the temporal area.  This type of headache responds very well to mobilization.  These headaches often resolve during the first treatment, but self-mobilization and exercise are required to maintain the relief.

Tension headaches typically develop because of tightness in the upper back and neck muscles.  Pain is primarily referred to the back of the head.  Tension headaches commonly come from a rounded or curved upper back and tight cervical spine musculature.  Treatment focuses on improving the mobility of the upper back which takes the tension off of the muscles. For long term results we teach posture, motor control and ergonomics.